Five facts about Pamela E. Harris, Mexican-American mathematician and educator of “leaders of character” (Massive Science, January 2020)
How Oglala Lakota People Are Standing Up to Extreme Weather (Scientific American, December 2019)
After Hurricane Maria, an isolated community rescued itself, with help from their abuelas (Massive Science, October 2019)
Our disabilities have made us better scientists (Scientific American, July 2019), co-author: Skylar Bayer
What if we treated all sick people the way we treat people with a terminal disease? (Massive Science, May 2019)
Glow-in-the-Dark Vampire Bats Could Help Curtail Rabies (American Scientist [online and in print], April 2019)
How the Biggest Birds on Earth Could Help Fend Off Epidemics (Audubon, March 2019)
Climate change is causing floods all over the world. Here’s what you can do to help (Massive Science, March 2019)
Conferencing while chronically ill (December 2018)
How to Make Professional Conferences More Accessible for Disabled People: Guidance from Actual Disabled Scientists (Union of Concerned Scientists, November 2018)
Tips from the other side: how to write the best graduate fellowship applications (September 2018)
GMOs can help us adapt to climate change (Massive Science, August 2018)
Meet Ynes Mexia (Massive Science, May 2018)
Women of the Bayou (Louisiana Sea Grant, May 2018)
The Lyme wars are upon us. We should probably read up on them (Massive Science, April 2018; syndicated by Salon and Pacific Standard)
The Moon’s origins may be far different than we thought (Massive Science, April 2018; syndicated by Salon)
A scientist responds to that ‘Science’ Instagram essay (Massive Science, March 2018)
I crush stalagmites from protected caves. What can I do to give back? (Massive Science, March 2018)
Swimming Lessons: Lauren Huey (Society for Women in Marine Science, Feb. 2018)
A nuclear attack could be a lot like an asteroid strike (Massive Science, Feb. 2018)